Our most popular and comprehensive service cabinet contains everything required to perform proper one-piece and two-piece nail hole repairs. Complete with Repair Materials and Supplies to perform 90 one-piece reparis and 50 two-piece repairs.
Contents include:
1 box Universla repair units UP-6 (1/4")
1 box RemaStmes RS-6 (1/4")
1 box each of Minicombis A-3(1/8"), A-6(1/4")
2 cans Special Blue Cement BL-8F (8fl. oz.)
2 cans Pre-Buff Cleaner 70F (16 fl.oz. aerosol)
1 can Innerliner Sealer 76F (16fl. oz.)
1 Low Speed Air Buffer CP-873K
1 Air Vacuum, w/bag 7951 each of carbide cutters CC-3(1/8"), CC-6(1/4")
1 buffing cone TEW/210-80 2" (3/8x24T)
1 QR adapter 6068-125 (CC-3)
1 QR adapter 6068 (CC-6)
1 QR arbor 6067, sleeved(TCW-210-80)
1 injury probe/awl 190
1 ball bearing stitcher 30
1 innerliner scraper 28
1 brass bristle cleaning brush 6014
10 pulling wires 626 (RS-6)
1 Nailhole Repair Training CD TRM-CD
1 Nailhole Repair Application Chart